Page 19 - MASALA LITE ISSUE 83 | AUGUST 2017
P. 19

TRENDING NOW            19

         As a vegetarian, do you feel like you have a balanced diet?
         Yes I do! In fact, I don’t even think much about it. Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, you can have a
         balanced diet and get whatever nutrients you need. My advice is to eat everything in moderation. Eat
 To Meat or  Is it convenient being a vegetarian? Is vegetarian food easily accessible?
         healthy and live simply!

         Being a vegetarian is very convenient nowadays. You can ask for a vegetarian option almost anywhere,
         as a lot more people are now following this diet. Even when you travel, you can use TripAdvisor to find
         vegetarian restaurants. And the food scene in Bangkok is not what it used to be like. Even if you don’t eat
 or Not to  eggs, a lot of substitutes are readily available.

         Do you consider the vegetarian food you eat outside your home healthy?
         Yes! Even though our options are limited when compared to non-vegetarians, in general, eating healthy is
         a choice which has more to do with what you choose to eat rather than what diet you follow.

                     “Being a vegetarian is very convenient nowadays.
                     You can ask for a vegetarian option almost anywhere,
                     as a lot more people are now following this diet.”

                                                          RUBY DOOWA SRICHAWLA
                                                          As a herbivore, do you think you get enough nutrients and vitamins?
                                                          Yes I do, and I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 14. There are many vegetarian substitutes for
                                                          the nutrients found in meats. For example, the omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish
                                                          can also be found in flaxseeds and chia seeds. When I was pregnant, I grew more conscious
                                                          about my nourishment, and that experience made me more confident that there are
                                                          supplements in a vegetarian diet that gives us the same nutrients and vitamins that are
                                                          found in a meat-eater’s diet.

                                                          Do you think that you can be as fit and healthy as non-vegetarians?
                                                          I’ve heard some people say that vegetarian food might not give you all the strength and
                                                          energy you need, but it’s not true. In fact, I feel more energetic now. This saying can also be
                                                          reserved, as meat might make you feel more sluggish since it takes more time and energy
                                                          to digest.

                                                          Do you feel like your diet is enough to allow you to work out as much as you want to?
                                                          I love to work out and the amount of times I exercise has nothing to do with my diet.
                                                          Vegetarian food can be as filling and heavy as you want it to be. If you’re not full and are
                                                          craving a heartier meal, you can always add superfoods, such as avocado, quinoa and nuts, to
                                                          your diet. If you desire more options, there are always protein shakes and superfood powders
                                                          to give you energy for a good work out.

                                                          “If you’re not full and are craving a heartier meal, you can always
                                                          add superfoods, such as avocado, quinoa and nuts, to your diet.”


          Do you feel like there is a lack of understanding regarding the nutrients that vegetarian
          diets include?
          I think that many people need to have more awareness and understanding about nutrition because if you
          study it properly, you’ll realise that you can get the same nutrients that you get from meat, except from
          a different source.

          A lot of people are concerned with protein. Where do you get that nutrient from?
          Lentils are a great source for protein. There are so many other ingredients including grains, seeds, beans,
          tofu, soy, cottage cheese, dairy, eggs, quinoa and a variety of nuts. Indian food is great for vegetarians too!

          For those considering following a vegetarian diet, do you have any words of wisdom?
          As a born and raised vegetarian, I have it easy. I mean, you can’t really miss what you’ve never had, so I
          have huge respect for those who make a conscious choice to give up a huge part of their diet — meat.
              Suraiya’s 11-year-old daughter, Raisa Thakral, who personally decided to become a vegetarian,
          joins the conversation and says, “Many kids and teachers ask me how I get my protein, vitamins and
          nutrition and it kind of triggers my anger. I sometimes feel like it doesn’t make sense to me because
          all the big animals are vegetarian. How do they get their protein and why can’t we do the same?”

                               “Lentils are a great source for protein...
                               Indian food is great for vegetarians too!”

                                                                          ALL- A C CESS INT O B ANGK OK ’ S C ONTEMP OR AR Y INDIAN LIFEST YLE
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