P. 14

14        COVERED

                                                                                  THE UNCLE

         Nine Men

         you’ll Date

                                                                                The uncle can be recognised by his strong Old
                                                                                Spice cologne, his proclivity for gold bangles    Rating :
                                                                                and his workplace in Samphaeng. The Uncle
         in Bangkok!                                                            “Whiskey, no soda ok? Only water.” Oh how
                                                                                loves whiskey. You will most likely hear him say,
                                                                                he loves his whiskey – it brings his hair down
                                                                                and sometimes his beard too. The Uncle is
                                                                                well-defined by his traditional roots. So if you
                                                                                are a fan of men knowing their way around the
                                                                                kitchen or the bedroom, it may be best to avoid
                                                                                The Uncle.

                                                                                  The Entrepreneur

            Lurking behind every Tinder and Bumble

            app are a sea of men with multiple

            personalities. Some are upfront, some

            are sweet, while some may come off as

            overwhelming. Whatever it may be, they

            like their whiskey with soda, and though                            The Entrepreneur loves comics, only DC not        Rating :

            usually friendly and helpful, they are a                            Marvel, and has at least a couple of weekdays
                                                                                off. His work hours are unstable because his job
                                                                                usually requires him to hang out with friends
            solitary bunch, unless found together                               and discuss business ideas at bars. He shuns
                                                                                tradition, and loves to think outside the box,
            watching football. So in an attempt to                              unless the box contains alcohol or escorts. The
                                                                                dark secret of The Entrepreneur is that after
            educate women who are seeking their                                 three to six years, he usually morphs into
                                                                                an Uncle.
            potential prince charming, Masala has

            come up with nine types of Indian men,                                The Fresh off the Boat (F.O.B.)

            women have or will most likely date in                                                             The F.O.B. is usually very easy to identify.
                                                                                                               He wears fake Gucci or Versace shirts, in
            Bangkok.                                                                                           preferably shocking pink or lime green
                                                                                                               and very skinny jeans that are usually
                                                                                                               torn. Bollywood songs and dialogues roll
                                                                                                               effortlessly off his tongue and he often
                                                                                                               smells of coconut oil. The F.O.B. can’t
                                                                                                               stop talking about how incredible your
                                                                                                               physical attributes are with a hyena-
                                                                                                               esque gaze that is half I-am-a-virgin and
                                                                                                               half I-hope-you-are-a-virgin-too. If you
                                                                                                               like a guy who wears a wife beater at
                                                                                                               home, the F.O.B. is the man for you.

                                                                                                               Rating :

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