P. 18

18        TRENDING NOW

              How to be a...

              Mean Green

              Working Machine

          People from all around the world are joining in on the

          crusade of environmental preservation. This now includes
          instilling green habits in our work environment, despite our
          fixation on the artificial ecosystem. So whether you’re the

          boss or the employee, whether your office is already green or
          still waiting to see the light, some practical steps can lay the
          groundwork for a healthy, low-impact workplace. Below are

          the top tips for an eco-happy office.


                                                       BRING A PLANT TO WORK
                                                       Small décor ideas, such as adding a few plants
                                                       around your desk or office, can boost your
                                                       productivity, absorb indoor air pollution and
                                                       increase the flow of oxygen. So why not invest in
                                                       elements of nature? You can also include a ‘bring
                                                       a plant to work day’. After all, a little green goes a
                                                       long way.

                                                       LIGHT IT UP!
                                                       Embrace natural lighting. It is one of the easiest
                                                       ways to conserve energy, reduce electricity bills
                                                       and provides an environment that cannot be
                                                       matched by artificial lights. Proven to increase   PLAN MONTHLY GO GREEN
                                                       productivity in employees, offices globally are   CHALLENGES
                                                       welcoming this innate connection to nature.
                                                       So hurry and get the window seat!              Office activities are a great way to make work
                                                                                                      fun. Challenges like a recycling programme or a
                                                                                                      ‘no plastic utensils for a month’, in which winners
                                                                                                      are rewarded, is a good way to get employees
                                                                                                      engaged and involved in the cause. Oodles of
                                                       GREEN DREAM TEAM                               creative challenges can make the usual office

                                                       Create a team of people that focus on          ambiance a lot more entertaining. You can
                                                       sustainability. They should carry out projects   initiate or participate in volunteer activities that
                                                       that help raise awareness and educate staff    serve the purpose of team-bonding along with
                                                       members. They could conduct inspections on     the Go Green challenge.
                                                       resource consumption and keep a track on such
                                                       developments, while initiating and encouraging
                                                       the decisions of energy efficient purchases.
                                                       This also provides an opportunity for enjoyable
                                                       team-building activities. Green team is a win for

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